Monday, May 2, 2011

I Assume You've All Heard The Big News...

Comrades, today I was going to report on the ANP Detroit Conference, but I've decided to postpone that until tomorrow. I'm sure you all know why.

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Does this mean an end to the "War On Terrorism"? By no means. Bin Laden may be dead, but Al Quiada is not. I'm sure some other nut job has already assumed command. Indeed, things may get worse. As I write this, I'm sure that Al Quiada is plotting some kind of retaliation. There's no question about it. The only questions are when, and exactly what they will do. Probably something involving killing innocent civilians who didn't even know about it until it was all over, and even if they did know, they had no power to stop it even if they wanted to. Al Quiada's retaliation should be against the military, but since they are basically cowards, they'll go after civilians.

With this in mind, ZOG now has an even better excuse to beef up security, which means the further violation of our Constitutional rights, all in the name of protecting the people.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm glad that this maniac is dead. But now, we've elevated him to the status of a martyr, and martyrs cannot be "killed". The die has been cast.

The ANP's position has always been that we should bring our troops home, and use them to secure our own borders. Does Bin Laden's death change this? I say NO! For one thing, we still have no business over there fighting for oil and Israeli interests. Secondly, any planned retaliation by Al Quiada will surely be directed against Americans on American soil. We need our borders secured more than ever now.

Now more than ever is the time to bring our troops home. Let the Afghanis, Iraqis, Libyians, and Nigerians fend for themselves. We shouldn't be dying for Israeli intersts, and we DON'T need their bloody oil. The United States has more than enough oil of it's own. We don't need to buy it from other countries. And even if we did, we can buy from Canada, Mexico, Venuzuela, and other New World countries. North and South America can both be completely free and independent from Middle Eastern oil.

Comrades, we must stop acting like the World's Policemen. America must keep it's nose out of other people's business. If India and Pakistan want to blast each other, then just let them. There are some Americans who are calling for an invasion of Mexico to stop the flood of illegals and drugs across the border. I don't feel that's necessary. We have the capability of securing our borders WITHOUT going to war with Mexico. But suppose we did. Wouldn't we resent the hell out of some nation from the other side of the world sticking their noses into it? I sure would.

People have the right to solve their own problems in their own way. Who are we to tell them that their way is wrong and ours is right? Besides, if an independent sovereign nation is incapable of defending itself, then it has no right to exist in the first place. If we keep running to the aid of these countries, they will forever be dependent on us. But then again, maybe that's what ZOG has in mind? Make them dependent so they will always be in our back pocket.

Why would ZOG want that? Only one reason I can think of: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


  1. I like at the end of the movie V for Vendetta, one guy keeps shooting at V and says "Why won't you die?!" V responds that behind his mask is an idea, and ideas are bullet proof.

  2. -------------------------------------May 2, 2011 at 10:03 PM


    Dan 88!

  3. You people give true National Socialism a bad name. Those muslims and so called islam extremists and terrorists were allies with germany before and during world war 2. Hitler was very fond of their culture and traditions. They are also Aryan allies. The jewish media is demonizing those "terrorists" so that you will join their side and ignore the islamic fight against zionism. Osama Bin Laden was anti-zionist, anti-democracy, and anti-communist. If Osama still sounds like an enemy to you then you are playing with the wrong team and are an enemy of mine. You need to look beyond skin and see our allies. They are waiting for our help against this zionist regime who is taking over their land for the interests of Israel. Wake up. check out to learn more. - Brandon T.

  4. -------------------------------------May 3, 2011 at 11:48 PM

    Thank you for your thought Comrade, and for your civility. I will check out your site.

    BTW, I wasn't looking at Bin Laden's skin colour, but his attack on civilians, when he should have been directing his efforts towards military targets. True, some Judeo-Capitalists were killed, but what about all the White workers that died? Do we call them collateral damage that could not be avoided? I don't think so. If any of them were my family, I'd be mad as hell.

    Dan 88!

  5. -------------------------------------May 4, 2011 at 12:21 AM

    Comrade Brandon, your site was very interesting. I looked it over, and read two of your articles, the one on violence, and the one on honour. I can't say I agreed with everything, but they were well written and they made good points, some of which I agreed with. May I ask if you represent an organisation, and if so, which one?

    Dan 88!
