Continue reading on Black on white crime must be confronted. - Charleston Political Buzz |
Can you imagine the headlines if Mr. Strange (what a name!) were Black and his assailants were White! "Black Youth Lynched In South Carolina" "Hate Crimes On The Rise" "White Supremacy Rears Its Ugly Head Again", and so forth.
Because political correctness demands that the White man keep paying for offenses that were committed even before we were born, we're expected to just lie there and take it. WELL TO HELL WITH THAT, COMRADES! It's time we stopped apologising for being White. WE ARE THE VICTIMS NOW.
There are some that would say that this is payback. Payback for what? Payback for what our fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers may have done? I have no intention of being held responsible for any sins my ancestors may have committed. We owe a racial debt to no one. I say a debt dies with the man. If someone came to you and told you that your grandfather borrowed a thousand dollars from his grandfather and never paid it back, and as his grandson you owe him the money, your reaction most likely would be "Bite Me!" It's the same the when it comes to racial debts. OK, our ancestors kept Blacks as slaves. They did it, not us. Our fathers and grandfathers kept Blacks as second class citizens. They did it, not us. Besides, the Blacks committing these crimes against Whites were not the victims of this racial oppression and discrimination. They have no right to demand payback from people who did nothing wrong, especially when they themselves were not personally the victims of these "offenses".
Comrades, if you or someone you know becomes or has been a victim of Black on White violence, you must insist - no, DEMAND it be treated as a hate crime. If the authorities say no, don't give up. Keep harping on it. Don't give them a moments peace. Make as big a stink of it as you can. But remember, don't take the law into your own hands or YOU will be the one charged with a hate crime.
I think this is an issue that should be discussed in Laurens next month, and if no one else does, I'LL bring it up. Hopefully, we'll decide on an official ANP policy regarding this. If we do, it will be formally released after July 24th. Hail Victory!
Thanks again to Comrade Raymond Bxxxxxxx for sending this to me.
Dan 88!
Can you imagine the headlines if Mr. Strange (what a name!) were Black and his assailants were White! "Black Youth Lynched In South Carolina" "Hate Crimes On The Rise" "White Supremacy Rears Its Ugly Head Again", and so forth.
Because political correctness demands that the White man keep paying for offenses that were committed even before we were born, we're expected to just lie there and take it. WELL TO HELL WITH THAT, COMRADES! It's time we stopped apologising for being White. WE ARE THE VICTIMS NOW.
There are some that would say that this is payback. Payback for what? Payback for what our fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers may have done? I have no intention of being held responsible for any sins my ancestors may have committed. We owe a racial debt to no one. I say a debt dies with the man. If someone came to you and told you that your grandfather borrowed a thousand dollars from his grandfather and never paid it back, and as his grandson you owe him the money, your reaction most likely would be "Bite Me!" It's the same the when it comes to racial debts. OK, our ancestors kept Blacks as slaves. They did it, not us. Our fathers and grandfathers kept Blacks as second class citizens. They did it, not us. Besides, the Blacks committing these crimes against Whites were not the victims of this racial oppression and discrimination. They have no right to demand payback from people who did nothing wrong, especially when they themselves were not personally the victims of these "offenses".
Comrades, if you or someone you know becomes or has been a victim of Black on White violence, you must insist - no, DEMAND it be treated as a hate crime. If the authorities say no, don't give up. Keep harping on it. Don't give them a moments peace. Make as big a stink of it as you can. But remember, don't take the law into your own hands or YOU will be the one charged with a hate crime.
I think this is an issue that should be discussed in Laurens next month, and if no one else does, I'LL bring it up. Hopefully, we'll decide on an official ANP policy regarding this. If we do, it will be formally released after July 24th. Hail Victory!
Thanks again to Comrade Raymond Bxxxxxxx for sending this to me.
Dan 88!
umm can someone please explain this to me o_O.
non white national socialists in Mexico.