Saturday, September 18, 2010

Urge Your Senators to End Birthright Citizenship!


The issue of Birthright Citizenship highlights another key area where our elected officials allow our immigration laws to be abused by illegal aliens--instead of protecting U.S. citizens and legal residents. This practice of granting automatic citizenship to the children of illegal aliens only encourages more people to come to the United States illegally..

There is already a bill in the House, H.R. 1868, that would change current U.S. law and prevent the children of illegal aliens from receiving birthright citizenship. However, there is no legislation proposed in the Senate to make this happen. Please don't delay. Send this critical message to your two Senators today, and ask them to put more of an emphasis on enforcing our immigration laws and preventing future illegal immigration.


Comrades, this issue is of paramount importance. The Constitutional Amendment that give anyone who is born on American soil automatic citizenship was intended to protect the children of freed slaves, the children of Indians (Native Americans), and the children of LEGAL immigrants from having to go through the naturalisation process. It was never, never intended to be used as an anchor for illegal immigrants
to stay in the United States.

Illegals use this provision as a tool to stay in this country, and to get free healthcare and education for their children whenever they can. THIS MUST END NOW!

Firstly, because it isn't right. They are using a legal loophole in the law, and they know it.

Secondly, we simply can no longer afford it. Our hospitals, schools, and social programs are being drained by these leeches, and it must stop. H.R. 1868 is great way, along with immigration laws like in Arizona to make things as difficult as possible for them. If because of laws like these, the illegals are no longer able to find the better life they're looking for, then they will have no reason to run our borders (unless they're drug smugglers and fugitives, in which case they'll run our borders anyway). Email your Congreesman and Senators and tell them to support this bill. No matter how much our leaders may or may not sympathise with these invaders, the gravy train has run dry and we simply cannot afford to help them any longer.

It's like at Christmas time as I'm passing a Salvation Army Santa, if I don't have any money, then I can't donate, no matter how worthy the cause may or may not be. As it is, when we help and support any foreigners, whether by letting them into the country to suckle on our teats, or by giving out foreign aid, we're basically doing it with borrowed money. How crazy is that? No matter how generous a person may be, and we Aryans are the most generous people in the world, would any of you borrow money to make a donation? I wouldn't. Who in their right minds would? Only the liberals, but then again, I said, "Who in their RIGHT minds." Enough said.

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