Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rep. Peter DeFazio Introduces Mandatory E-Verify Bill in the House

Monday, January 31, 2011, 1:36 PM EST - posted on NumbersUSA

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) has introduced a new House bill that would require the mandatory use of E-Verify for all businesses in the United States. The Triple E-VICT Act would help the 22 million Americans who can't find full-time work by ensuring jobs don't go to illegal aliens. Rep. DeFazio is a pro-environment Democrat who also understands the impact that high immigration levels, partly caused by illegal immigration, have on future environmental sustainability.
Rep. DeFazio's Triple E-VICT Act would require all employers to check the worker eligibility status of current and future employees. Employers would have to begin checking new hires within two years of the bill's passage. Public employers would then have 3 years to screen all current employees, and private employers would have up to 6 years to screen all current employees. The Triple E-VICT Act would end the jobs magnet that is the root cause of most illegal immigration.

The Triple E-VICT Act would also increase fines and penalties for businesses who don't comply or still hire illegal alien workers. The bill's provisions would also root out identity theft and fraud and close up any current loopholes.

Ninety-seven percent of employees receive an automatic confirmation from E-Verify within 24 hours and require no further action. Of the 2.6 percent that receive tentative non-confirmations, 0.3% are eventually cleared and 2.3% are deemed ineligible to work in the United States.


This is a start, but it is not enough. In addition to eliminating the jobs magnet, we need to start massive deportations. However, even when ICE knows about illegals, they don't deport them. They say they can't be bothered with an illegal here, and another there.

That is part of it, but the fat cats don't want to lose their slave-labour force, while others are afraid of "offending" the Mexican-American community. Hell, most of them agree with us on this issue nowadays!

On the other hand, ICE and the Border Patrol are understaffed. We need to increase manpower, which would in turn provide much needed jobs, and help get rid of these invaders. Where would the money to increase manpower come from? Easy! BRING OUR TROOPS HOME FROM THAT USELESS WAR!

This is more difficult than it sounds because the Judeo-Capitalists who instigated this and most previous wars don't want to lose all the obscene amount of profits that are being generated from them. This is why the only hope of salvation for this nation is National Socialism. The fat cats know this. That's why they spend so much money and time making certain the sheeple see us as evil lunatics. Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it.

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