Sunday, August 8, 2010

Media Circus: Day Three

Well, it's now day three since the 'big' (LOL) story broke. Bulldozer told me it's reached as far as the Washington Post. Andy Warhol said that everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame. In my case it's more like infamy. At least Aryan Nations is getting a lot of publicity, and that's at least one good thing to come out of this media freak show they've created. I'm still quite stunned at the level of uproar this has caused. As an educated man with a clean arrest record, I wonder if they see me as more of a threat than the typical, jackbooted, uneducated, skinhead thug that most people picture when they think of National Socialists?

With that in mind, I'd like to say that in spite of how disappointed I am in Rocky Suhayda's "I told you so" response to all of this, he is right about one thing: Security. It's not only ZOG and the ANTIFA that monitors our websites, blogs, and forums, but the press as well. The Washington Post said they picked up this story from our forum, so my advice to all White Nationalists and National Socialists is to never say anything on the internet that you wouldn't want to see in the press - especially if your real name is attached. It's alright to make mistakes - as long as you learn from them. I've learned from mine. For example, I can see by my blog's counter that the number of hits I'm getting a day has gone from about 20, to over 100. I'm sure some of those are from real WN's and NS's who hadn't heard of me previously, and are now visiting this blog to see what I'm all about. But I'm also sure that the majority of these hits are from reporters trying to see if they can get any more news worthy stories out of me.

Now to you reporters, I'd like to say that I know that the majority of you are just trying to do your jobs. However, there are some of you who see us as a great threat, and feel it is your duty to this country to try and take us down. Either way, being the centre of negative attention is not a fun thing, and I'd rather not provide you with any more copy. So for the time being, I'm not going to post any more about this entire situation. Starting tomorrow, I'll post the typical things I usually post, which will be most definitely be about SOMEONE ELSE!

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