Tuesday, January 4, 2011

California Has Dug It's Grave Just A Little Deeper

God help us. Jerry Brown was just inaugurated as governor today. Bye-Bye Ah-nold. Welcome back to literally the worst governor this state has ever had. Thirty years ago, this clown Brown bankrupted a healthy state with his "throw money at the problem" tactics, and now the California idiots have given him another shot at things. I firmly feel that the election process is nothing but a sham, but still - the California voters must have their heads up their asses. Utterly unbelievable. Personally I've had enough of these incompetent, corrupt, and thoroughly despicable creatures who take office claiming they'll work for the people, when in reality, they work for themselves and whatever special interest group that got them elected in the first place.

This is the year I will be getting punched out many times. Comrades, I've had it! The next time I hear anyone, be it friend, acquaintance, or stranger complain about something Brown has done, I'm going to blurt out, "If you idiots hadn't voted in that jackass in the first place, then you wouldn't have this to complain about. You're getting just what you asked for!" Of course, we'd all be complaining about whoever was in office as they are all more or less the same, it's just that some are worse than others, and Jerry Brown is the pits!


The majority of you are all cretinous imbeciles. You have elected a proven failure to the state's highest office simply because he's a Democrat. When he screws up, and we all know he will, don't you dare utter one word of complaint. You voted for him, and now you will have to take the consequences. You're all stupid fools who don't deserve the right to vote and you'll all get just what you asked for: A liberal who supports your immoral, decadent California lifestyle, and you'll all have to pay the price. It's just a shame that the few of us who have enough common sense to see the truth will have to pay right along with you. Thanks a lot. You are all morons and I'll be constantly reminding you of this for the next four years.

Comrades, forgive my rant, but I just had to get this off my chest. We all know the only solution to the problem is National Socialism. Sometimes I just feel like banging my head against a wall. I would actually do it, but I'd be afraid of damaging the wall and having to pay for it, and after Brown gets through with us, I'll be able to afford the cost even less than now.

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