Sunday, February 13, 2011

That's Three Now!

You know how when you get something new, or sign up for something new, there's all kinds of fine print to read? How many of us actually read all that stuff? I usually just skim it. But when you do that, you miss a lot.

As most of you know, I've created an educational blog called the National Socialist Historical Archives, where you can find a lot of great Third Reich photos, Hitler Speeches, biographies, music, and other things of interest. Am I crazy or what? I was up until 3:00 AM messing around with this. Crazy or dedicated? Probably both.

The next step was to get it on AdSense as well. I was trying to submit it for consideration, when a box came up telling me it was unnecessary. Without going into a lot of internet technical explanations, once you're on the program, ANY blog you create is already in the program.

With that in mind, I'm creating a third blog. This one is dedicated to Commander George Lincoln Rockwell and the early history of the ANP. It's called the American National Socialist Historical Archives. It's like the other one, except it's dedicated to Rockwell, while the other is dedicated to Hitler and the Third Reich. It will also have pictures and writings and other cool educational material.

I've added a link for both blogs in the "White Friendly Sites" section. But here are the urls: and

I'm sure I need say nothing more. Thanks comrades. The ANP and myself appreciate your support and efforts.

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