Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Program Of The American Nazi Party, Part One

Comrades, today I'm starting a series of special posts. Each one will cover one of the ANP's 12 points.

Some of the points are brief. Others a bit longer, so I'll post one to three a day until I get through all 12. If some VERY important news comes up, I'll print that item and postpone the next point for a day.

Please feel free to comment on any or all of these points.

1. An Aryan Republic

We demand the union of all Aryans in North America in an Aryan Republic.

We believe that the Aryan population of this continent should be free, along with all the peoples of good will, to pursue its separate destiny according to the principles of self-determination and racial solidarity in a sovereign state representing its vital needs and interests.

2. Citizenship

We demand that only those of Aryan blood be allowed to become citizens of the state. In an Aryan Republic, citizenship - and the rights which go along with it - will be conferred only on those Aryans who prove themselves worthy of it.

We believe that citizenship in an Aryan state should be an honour and a privilege, rather than a right which is gratuitously bestowed simply on the basis of birth or national residence, and that only those Aryans who show themselves deserving of it, and who are prepared to accept its accompanying responsibilities, should be granted its rights and benefits.

3. A Racial Community

We demand the organisation of society into a racial community which will embrace all Aryans, regardless of wealth or social background. We further demand that the state fight to eliminate every recognisable social evil and ensure social justice for every member of the racial community, including the right to decent housing, proper medical care and generous provision for old age.

We believe that a true community can function successfully only as a unified, organic whole in which all members of society join together in a great common cause and in turn are accorded personal respect as well as equality of opportunity. We also believe that every honest, hard working citizen deserves to live decently, with full protection against all foreseeable material disasters beyond his control. Finally, we believe than an enlightened community must make the health and well-being of all its members a matter of prior concern, and that anything which interferes with the smooth and harmonious functioning of society must be ruthlessly suppressed - whether it be poverty, social injustice, class warfare, crime, sexual perversion, drug peddling, or any form of antisocial activity.


  1. Well Dan if this is the American Nazi Party then I would like to see you spell "organization" with the "z" in it rather than "s". Ok? That typo is like one of my pet peeves that annoys me to no end. Just my two cents worth for today! P.S. In shorthand the z and s are the same so I can get over this if I have to!


  2. Dan on your no.1 could this be thought of as a counter culture? What are you going to do with the rest that are non-white? Containment camps, deportation, etc? Secondly Aryans are now the minority so isn't it a bit premature or unrealistic to think that you'd get to square one?


  3. Dan, on your No.2 will this resemble WWII History? For example, Goering said he decided who was Aryan and who was not. For example, a lot of mixed German/Jews were high ranking officers, (see,"Hitler's Jewish Soliders" book for details) A lot of people are mixed so does this include those with a lot of visably "white" in them? Also what about those who think only Germans qualify as the true blood? Care to get specific here? Just curious, pan Aryan view, or what?

  4. Dan, also on your no. 2 wouldn't it be quicker to just state those who believe in the Nazi ideology would be granted citizenship?

  5. Dan, isn't this just like Hitler stated, removal of class structure to knock down some of those barriers? Well history would tell us that was unsuccessful with a lot of people with their hand in the till. Also isn't it kind of weird to assign rank and see a select group living more high class than the rest, but I suppose the leaders who have everyone's best welfare are more priviledged and deserving. Would there be any checks and balances on the obvious power structure? Or another case of blind following?

  6. Dan, as to your no. 3 did you realize in WWII history the crime rates went down, the overall living conditions improved under the Third Reich and sometimes it was because people feared the consequences. Could the existing laws in American society be toughened up to provide a deterrant to crime vs. a more stricter law and order. In a lot of instances the laws on the books in Germany were disregarded, i.e. law books thrown out the window in favor of Nazi law that without case base or equality of the law applied people's individual cases were haphazardly determined. Ok sort of like it is today case precedent. Would NS have case law to use or would it be the case to just string the defendants up with piano wire? (exaggeration)

  7. Dan, as to your no. 2 what about the youth in general? Let's use the case of Sophie Scholl, except let's change the location to the U.S. Students that age who have a difference of political opinion could voice that without fearing their heads cut off. Would ANP be willing to have a true free speech zone for the young politicans to voice their ideas or would there be rigorous amount of indoctrination to create robots? I also want to mention for example, take ECU their political wanna be's all have bright ideas on how to fix things and are a little outspoken at their age BUT wait another 10 years and ask them about their plan and their enthusiasm is gone. Would say ANP be willing to overlook the immaturity of younger politicans even if their ideas were different? How do you capture that youthful enthusiasm and creative potential without suppressing them into conformity?

  8. Dan, as to your no. 3 here is a case that pertains to "sexual perversion" It's about Michelle Bachmann's husband and his anti-gay statements that should come under free speech and freedom of religion. Here is the link.

  9. -------------------------------------August 18, 2011 at 10:09 PM

    Unfortunately, some did have their hands in the till as you said. For example, Amon Geoth, Commandant of the Plaszow Forced Labour camp was relieved of his post for the unlawful killing of inmates, and stealing their rations and selling them on the black market. Geoth had already been removed when Oskar Schindler took those 1,000 Jews from the camp to his new Brinnlitz factory. Spielberg never mentioned that little fact. Anyway, there are, and always will be black sheep in any group. The SS disciplined any bigwigs that they caught. Also, you can't believe everything the history books say about the Nazis as most of the historians were Jews. I just saw a rerun of a biography of Josef Mengele. Every historian interviewed was Jewish.

    Yes crime rates went down. Yes there was some loss of freedom. The individual's personal desires and aspirations must come second in favour of the welfare of society as a whole. For example, if RAP music is harmful to society (and I said IF it is, not that it actually is)it should be banned for the greater good, even though it would mean curtailing someone's freedom of expression. I hate and disapprove of RAP, but I will concede it is a form of self-expression. We cannot allow destructive, and I do mean destructive influences to occur, simply because it's people's right to express those ideas, irregardless of any harm it may do. After all, I am not allowed to burn MY leaves on MY property because it could harm someone else. It should be the same way with ideas. Who decides which ideas are harmful and which are not? The majority do, that's who.

    First of all, students would do better to stick to studying and keep their noses out of politics. This is my personal, not NS opinion. If I had a kid I was putting through college, and I found out they were spending a lot of time being politically active, I'd tell them since they have so much free time outside of the classroom and studying to engage in these political activities, then I'm cutting off their allowance. They can take that time and get a part time job, just like I did. Between work and college, I had no time for politics. They can do the same as I did. Just my personal, not professional opinion on this one. I'm speaking as if I were a parent, not an NS.

    However, in an NS state, there would be only ONE party, and that's the National Socialist party. The two-party system is one of the reasons this country is falling apart. Both parties working against each other, rather than together. In order for a government to succeed, everyone must be on the same page - or at least the same chapter! LOL

    Homosexuality is a perversion. No if's and's or but's about it. Sex is about reproduction, not recreation. The purpose of sex is to perpetuate the species. The pleasure is incidental, not the purpose.

    BTW, I use an "s" instead of a "z" just for fun. It is deliberate, not a type-o. I also add the "u" to words like favour, colour, neighbour, etc. deliberately as well. These are British spellings of those words. Yeah, I know, I'm American, not British, but you're mentioning this is proof that it makes things stand out a bit more. What stands out is remembered better than what doesn't. Consider it a harmless propaganda technique.

    Dan 88!

  10. -------------------------------------August 18, 2011 at 10:09 PM

    Actually, we are talking about our own physical republic, not some spiritual idea within the USA as it is today. Our own country is what we want.

    In the States today, there is so much mixture of the Aryan peoples, that really very few are pure German, or pure Danish, etc. As to having Jewish blood, a little Jewish blood going back a few generations could be overlooked in the general membership and population. Even in the military, but not in the SA or SS. They must be as pure as possible under American circumstances, which are different from Germany of the past.

    People must believe in our ideology, plus be Aryans to be citizens. After all, there have been non-Whites who believed in a system similar to NS. Former Ugandan leader Edi Amin was an admirer of Hitler. Even so, he would not be allowed to become a citizen. He was not White, plain and simple.

    Dan 88!

  11. Dan, thanks for the info on Goeth. It's been years since I watched Schindler's List and that is about the only time I've been speechless. Although I did not know about Goeth being relieved of his post prior to the transfer, I did notice how casual that scene was compared to the rest and took it mean it's very close to the end.

  12. Dan, you are having such fun knowing that you snare me each time you deviate from the usual American spelling. Yeah it does cause me to pause, if not re-read and yeah it works effectively! You mess pot you! lol!

  13. Dan, I think you said that classical was your favorite and same here! However, I have been listening to a little bit of Contemporary Christian lately. Rap has even entered that arena and I wonder if that is Christian?! At anyrate, I turn it off when that music style comes on because I hate it. But what you're talking about here is curtailing freedom of expression for the greater good. I do believe the lists of degenerate stuff could fill volumes. This leads back to what I said the other day about the "good" and well-meaning know where it begins but no one seems to know where it ends. So I have to ask what if they thought they were "right" when they were dead wrong or couldn't see a crash until it's head on. Things change over time so is there any possibility that bans can be lifted later or is it all a done deal? Who decides also? I want to be a list maker btw cause I have a lot of stuff I dislike that I want to get rid of! lol!

  14. Dan, the first time I saw Mengele's documentary I was shocked. Since that time I've read more and I didn't think it could get any worse but it did. However, there are some articles out there stating similar things happen for the sake of medical research but on a lesser scale. I don't really validate this as a reputable source but I will give the link. It's called Nazi Murder Mills: An America Idea.

  15. Ok Dan I take it if it's only one party then your answer might be no there would be no dissenting opinion on anything and of course that would answer my question that no designated free speech zones would be on college campus. I'm still going to put my two cents worth in on this to say you never know a good thing until it's gone and to deny that might result in regrets later on. Besides if NS were ahem.. smart then you'd be able to hear those ideas and possibly in a classroom environment be able to curve political dissension.

  16. Dan, I can appreciate your parental opinion on the Sophie case. I would be inclined to agree with you if the state is paying for the education it's like they are biting off the hand that feeds and that would be disrespectful to say the least. However, I would probably disagree with the punishment citing it's a bit harsh due to their age and immaturity. I see them as students on campus lacking the real world experience and they would have been better to voice their opinions inside of a controlled environment such as a classroom. Perhaps the lack of designated free speech zones made them take an idea to a another level.

  17. Dan, if it's your own all white Aryan homeland I think that idea is already out there and migration to a portion of the US where it's predominantly white is already underway. The specifics and how successful that is I don't know. I just don't like the guy that heads that up so I ignore it. Have you ever thought about the costs and not having the military might to accomplish that. It seems almost like a wish list instead of a reachable goal because all the military with their high tech toys would shut ya down before ya got started good when you talk about breaking up the country in a racial divide. But then again you can see the racial divides already when there is white flight. It's kind of crazy because some promote race mixing, diversity as a way they think will stamp out racism. However, you've already got diversity by having people of all different races so what they want is a greater diversity where everyone is mixed. Whatever happened to being race proud period allowing those who wish to socialize do so freely. Why does it have to be forced on white people specifically. I think it could be in an effort to destroy the race. The sad part is if this greater diversity is achieved then it will still be divides there like class structure.

    In the hippie counter culture generation Dan you will remember it was all about love freely and we all get along. If that were true then we'd already be doing it. So I guess there is some truth to what you say about a need to protect your race. I guess if someone doesn't cherish it then one day it will be gone.

  18. Dan, it is extremely hard to get everyone on the same wave length even in a small group of people. That takes time and perhaps a charismatic leader of some sort. The people have to identify with the person. A lot of the speech involved has to resonate and hit that larger target audience to get that momentum going. The Nazi ideology is rock solid and I think this is why so many fear it and also history repeating itself. It doesn't bend or give way. I tried to debate with a 18 year old fully indoctrinated Nazi in another country and everytime he beat the heck out of me. There are certain grounds that I am stronger on but even on those he had a way of gosh just ripping me to shreds. He disappeared but left a lasting impression. I don't know about all of this, I'm still thinking people will somehow be treated unfairly and asked to give up too much. You say its for the greater good of the people but I just wish there was more input from the people. When I no longer hear the people's voice then I get worried. I don't really trust others to make decisions for me and this seems to be a little more intrusive than what I am accustomed to. I'm still undecided and waiting for that little something to make things click.

  19. -------------------------------------August 19, 2011 at 4:14 AM

    Nothing is ever a done deal. Times do change, but it's the MAJORITY that decide, not a small group of powerful and influential people, like here in the USA today. For example, Roe V. Wade should never have happened. The Founding Fathers never intended abortion to be protected. They would have said so if they did. The proper way was to amend the Constitution, and not have a small group of liberals influence nine old men to change the law on their own authority.

    Like I said, the government may not need to be on the same page, but at least on the same chapter. Nowadays, they aren't even on the same book!

    I have no trouble saying that Sophie's people have a problem Free speech zones? Within reasonable limits, everywhere should be a free speech zone.

    Actually, I don't remember the hippies. I was just a little kid in a small New England town. WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY HIPPIES! Well, I don't remember any at least. Anyway, diversity is being forced on us right now. All I'll say is that I don't want to live in a Latin country. My culture is Euro-centric. Some other cultures are interesting to VISIT, but I wouldn't want to live there.

    Just remember that American National Socialism is not 1930's German National Socialism. It wasn't all that long before Hitler took power that Germany was being ruled by another man: Kaiser Wilhelm. The Germans were used to the idea of one ruler. Americans are not. Plus America is a nation of immigrants, and Germany was not. America's original inhabitants are called Cherokee, Crow, Apache, et al. Germany's original inhabitants are called Aryans. American NS is BASED on German NS, but this is a different time, a different people, and we have revised things accordingly.

    Dan 88!

  20. Dan, thanks for this information. Is this like another attempt at German American Bund? You keep saying the majority rules as if the voice of the people have a lot of say in the matter when I think it's quite the opposite that only a small majority of key leaders ultimately decide the direction and the masses just follow???

    My concern is not for the majority leaders but for the majority of people who are willing to go right over the edge if they are not careful, not fully informed. If you say you are all about free speech then is should help the situation this go round so the people can't claim they were duped, mislead.

    I'm really not seeing things like free press mentioned, and I'm just concerned that people will be stepped over. The very people at the botton of the totem pole so to speak who have valuable information. For example, if you're all about nature conservation and there is a greater need to use that for some other industrial reason I think the Nazis would proceed to use it for that reason even if that met with disastrous results later on to the environment. The people in whatever area may have other plans for nature conservation, tourism and other small ventures that may prove successful but not in comparison to big industry. So whatever the case may be without free speech to voice any opposition I feel the people will be left out. So I guess all I need to know is that people higher up are taking into consideration everything. I keep thinking this is faulty, shaky ground that depends on people higher up who haven't a clue because they are really out of touch with the people. I can foresee lots of instances where people will say, I told ya so but you did not listen.

  21. Dan, you just blew my mind again stating that everywhere should be a free speech zone?! I thought at best there might be some very limited free speech zones on college campus for the sake of comparative political study. Also I am kind of weiry your "within reasonable limits" because that is not clearly defined. Oh well a lot of people might say something too far out and find themselves locked up. My group just told me that anyone who says the Nazis are about free speech of any sort are lying. My group also just so sweetly informed me that I would not last one day as a Nazi. Well! I guess my group would know me best. I told my group that I had studied WWII history now for 5 years and so I think I could make it at least one day. They said, NOPE! I asked my group why they thought that and they were hesitant to respond. So I got to thinking about what you said for the greater good and I think perhaps I have it figured out. I care too much about the people as individuals not to try to be fair to all and help them.

  22. -------------------------------------August 19, 2011 at 9:48 PM

    Well, there should be exceptions to free speech zones like in churches. The way I see it, you don't like what your church does, then find another church. Schools? Maybe there should be some limits for very young children. Older children learn best if they are allowed to openly discuss issues, rather than be lectured to.

    What was it Mr. Spock said? "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few - or the one." A truly patriotic person does what's best for the group. Too often these days, the majority of people say, "Fuck everybody else. I'm gonna do what I want and to hell with the rest." That last part isn't an opinion. It's a fact. And look at the result. Our country is a mess, and all because of the "Me first" attitude.

    Dan 88!

  23. Dan, in my criminal justice class we studied ethics and morality. I remember the class discussion on the "greater good". The instructor asked if it were right or o.k. to sacrifice one for the greater good. A young guy answered yes. The the instructor said yes it's o.k. as long as that one person isn't you. You see when it's you they are willing to sacrifice then you might want to object to that because it makes quite a bit of difference. lol! I find that freaking hilarious.

    I think you're find many who think of the greater good as the right thing until one day they discover they are the ones with the head on the chopping block. So I see this as a slippery slope with intense pressure to perform and conform that goes in a vicious cycle lacking compassion, forethought, insight, versatility.

    But you know history tells us that many were willing to make that ultimate sacrifice for the greater good. I just wonder how many are out there are loyal until the pressure is on them and then you find they bow out when they are probably needed the most.

    You mentioned the person's comfort zone, "me first" attitude. I suspect you'll find that is the case more often than not.

    You're also find that when certain groups are deemed unfit for society there is a lot that goes lacking in those decisions. There is a way that sounds right but in the end it's a path to destruction. So since you mentioned churches here that's a good example. The Nazis took the crosses off the churches and replaced it with swastika flags, jailed many priest, beheaded nuns so religious freedom is out the window. The Third Reich Bibles included two extra commandments that pretty much set Hitler up as a demi-god. What is the greater good that can come out of churches when it's no longer worship of god but just another political format, political preaching.


  24. -------------------------------------August 20, 2011 at 8:20 PM

    This reminds me of something one of my instructors said about the law. I have a paralegal certificate (I've never actually worked as one). He said, "Welcome to General Principles Of Law. In this class we will be discussing what is legal, and what is not legal - not about right and wrong. If you want to discuss right and wrong, go take a philosophy class."

    Dan 88!

  25. Kudos on your paralegal certificate. A certificate and and a degree in it paralegal are two different things. Also I have a pre-law degree. The JD Law program is an intense 3 year study whereby you obtain both AAS in Paralegal Technology and BS in Pre-Law.

  26. -------------------------------------August 20, 2011 at 10:44 PM

    This is not an insult directed at you, or anyone. But considering how the law works for the wealthy and against the White working class, getting a BS in it is appropriate, because the law IS a lot of BS! LOL

  27. If some of you are confused about the ANP you should go on and read ALL the anp reports. They are very informative.

  28. Dan, I am so disappointed in you. The laws are the very basics we have to protect us which can be changed and thrown out if needed. You should not hate the law but love it. Otherwise people would take to the streets instead of going thru an orderly process.
