Sunday, August 7, 2011

This Is Not A Game

Comrades, there is a problem in the movement today. Not just in the ANP, but in all the other groups as well. I think the ANP has this problem the least, but it's still there nonetheless.

What I'm talking about is people who are just "playing Nazi". These people have no real commitment or dedication. When the going gets tough, they quit - or worse. They stay, but make excuse after excuse for not doing what they are supposed to be doing. To them, it's all a game. They're just having fun, with no real desire to work hard, or make any real sacrifices.

Now amongst the regular OS (Official Supporters), that isn't so bad. If you just send in your pledge every month and do nothing else, well, every little bit helps. It would be much better if you distributed literature and recruited, but we do need money to operate, so pledges are an unfortunate necessity.

However, if you hope to be made a Party officer such as an area organiser, cell leader, or most especially an SA Man, then you can't be just playing around. These are positions of trust. And trust is not given, it's earned. You have to be willing to give 110%. You have to be willing to make sacrifices, including attending our Laurens conference every year, as well as any conferences in your region that may be going on. You have to be both a talker AND a walker. If you're just a talker, then look someplace else for fun. There are several internet Nazi clubs out there. As a matter of fact, the NSALP doesn't even require any pledges at all, so give them a try.

Being a Party officer and/or an SA Man requires the deepest commitment, dedication, intelligence, a strong sense of responsibility, and a willingness to sacrifice your own material wants for the welfare of our Folk.

As to intelligence, commitment and dedication, either you have them or you don't. A strong sense of responsibility comes as you become more mature, although there are many young people who are extremely responsible, but the older you get, the more you learn responsibility.
As to willingness, all you have to do is decide that the needs of the community supersede yours.

If you do want to be more than just an Official Supporter, there are a few things to consider first.

If you are a young, single man who wants to get married and have children, you may find it difficult to find a woman who is supportive, or at least tolerant of your beliefs. Too many men leave the movement because of pressure from their wives. There's nothing more disappointing to us than when a high ranking organiser or SA Man leaves because his wife has told him he must or she'll leave him. I personally know someone to whom that happened to last year.

Also, consider your job or career. The more involved you become, the more chance your boss will find out. Many have lost their jobs because of their involvement.

If you are well-known in the movement, you may make a few enemies amongst other groups. If you can't handle other groups publicly talking sh*t about you, then the SA or a leadership position isn't for you. Sticks and stones...

Let us not forget the government factor as well. The more active you are, the greater chance that ZOG will learn your identity. This one you just have to accept, and don't let them rattle you.

Many, but not all young people may be ill-equipped to handle and overcome all these obstacles. I know that even 20 years ago, I wouldn't have been ready. Ten years later at 40? Probably, but I'm not certain. At 45, and now 51, definitely. It takes time.

Comrades, if you want to be more than an Official Supporter, ask yourself these two questions: Am I ready? Am I able?

If you can't answer yes to both, then you are neither. Please, before you decide to make such commitments, make certain you're both ready and able to carry them out. If you don't, then you could end up making things worse for all concerned - including yourself. Hail Victory!

Dan 88!


  1. The recruiting is geared toward the young ones so finding those who are mature enough will always pose problems. Some of these guys have not yet gone to college or worse cannot afford to so what's the alternative? If the ANP is more political than radical activism then it's the older ones, the more intellectual ones that you are in search of, isn't it?

  2. Dan, I can somewhat sympathize with what you have experienced. I've been around long enough to know a few too. I can hardly stand to be around NS today because it seems they are of lower intelligence and hard headed, not comprehending. I suggest two remedies, higher education and a full 2 years worth of studying WWII history. There are way too many out there just looking to slam dance, drink beer and spout off neo nazi rhetoric.


  3. -------------------------------------August 7, 2011 at 3:53 AM

    Actually, we are indeed looking for the more intellectual types - at least as far as leadership positions go.

    As to the young, well, they have to start learning someplace. The OS is a good place to start.

    In the movement, those with college are extremely desirable as members.

    Dan 88!

  4. A basic prerequisite for being a serious ANP member should also be to have read and understood Mein Kampf. If they haven't done that, cover to cover, then their commitment is by definition not serious, in my opinion. For a serious-minded person is one who takes the time to fully understand and comprehend what the movement they allege to be part of is all about, at a fundamental level.

    Dr. Johann Hauptmann 14/88!!

  5. -------------------------------------August 8, 2011 at 12:51 AM

    In addition to "Mein Kampf", American National Socialists should also read Rockwell's "White Power", and "This Time The World". If they haven't read at least one of these works, I can't help but ask myself if they are serious, or just playing.

    I realise that the Fuhrer is definitely NOT light reading, but it's something a truly dedicated NS should do.

    Rockwell, although not light reading either, is a little easier to read than the Fuhrer. Probably because the Commander was American, and wrote in English, his primary language (I believe he also spoke Icelandic), while "Mein Kampf" is translated from German, and it's not possible to translate 100% accurately, as some words and phrases in one language do not have an exact translation into others.

    A good example of this is Spanish. We're all familiar with the Spanish Christmas greeting "Felize Navidad." That translates into "Happy Nativity", rather than "Merry Christmas". There actually is not exact translation in Spanish for Christmas. The same is true with German.

  6. -------------------------------------August 9, 2011 at 12:38 AM

    This is to the idiot whose comment I refused to publish because of his foul language.

    I admit our turnout at Laurens was down from last year. It was miserably hot and humid, and the Redneck Shop is not air conditioned. People don't like going to events and sweating like a pig.

    However, there were a lot more than five people.

    Now I'm not accusing anyone mind you, but since this person also slammed the NSM, my feeling is that it was someone from the ANSP/AN. IF it was, and I'm not saying it was, I'm just saying IF it was, I've laid off of you guys for awhile, how's about you doing the same? If it wasn't any of you, then I apologise.

    Dan 88!

  7. This is a reply to the comment from Dr. Johann. I made the mistake of reading this before I actually read Mein Kampf. Here's the link. It's Hitler's opinions on democracy.

    As time goes by I learned a lot of stuff and knew that I was beginning to see things from that point of view so I finally read Mein Kampf and so the point is I would agree with you on where to start.


  8. Dan if it helps any, the re-enactors hate doing their tactical training in the heat (summer months) too and it's hard to get them to show up. However, come Autumn they are ready to sport that uniform and run thru the wild woods in hopes of having that hot pot of soup waiting for them upon return. Remember Halloween is a great time for everyone to wear the uniform and get away with it so perhaps a Halloween Party would make for a better turn out! I hope you've seen Dead Snow and then you can even have Nazi Zombies. Be creative!

  9. -------------------------------------August 11, 2011 at 9:06 PM

    Well, I can understand people not liking the heat - especially when it's very humid as well.

    Next year we'll go back to the Fall.

    I did actually see a movie about Nazi Zombies once. It was called "Night Of The Zombies". It was bloody awful.

    Dan 88!

  10. Here is the link to the Dead Snow amputation scene. It's my favorite part of this movie.
