Friday, April 8, 2011

GAO says DHS can only stop illegal immigration along 129 miles of U.S. - Mexico border

Thursday, March 31, 2011, 5:29 PM EDT

Richard Stana, director of homeland security and justice issues at the Government Accountability Office (GAO), said on Thursday that DHS and the Border Patrol can only stop illegal entries along 129 miles of the nearly 2,000-mile-long U.S. - Mexico border. Despite the fact that illegal aliens are only stopped along 6.6% of our southern border, the Border Patrol reports it has established "an acceptable level of control" along 873 miles of the border. During his Senate testimony, Stana said:

According to Border Patrol an acceptable level of border control is established when it has the capability (i.e., resources) to deter or detect and apprehend incursions at the immediate border or after entry.

According to the Border Patrol, there are another 744 miles where illegal aliens cannot actually be stopped crossing the border, but the Border Patrol has the resources to detect and apprehend illegal aliens at "distances of up to 100 miles or more away from the immediate border".

Unfortunately, the situation along the 3,918-mile-long U.S. - Canada border is even worse. According to Stana, the Border Patrol only has an "an acceptable level of control" over 69 miles of our northern border. And of those 69 miles that the Border Patrol has "an acceptable level of control" over, the agency can only stop illegal immigration along 2 miles of it (or .00051% of the entire northern border).


An acceptable level of control? That figures. They protect a small portion of the border, make a few showy arrests to make it appear to the great uninformed public that they are trying to secure our borders. That's the best laugh I've had all day!

As we all know, they don't want the borders secure. ZOG wants the flow of illegal aliens to continue so as to provide cheap slave labour for their Judeo-Capitalist masters. Also, the illegals keep the wages of the White worker down as well. If we won't do the work for what they are offering, then an illegal will do the job for even less.

Comrades, every illegal that comes here is another nail in the coffin of the White worker.

BTW, although it is important to secure both our southern AND our northern borders, the southern should have first priority. After all, how many illegal alien Canadians come here each year. Aside from Canadian fugitives coming here to hide, I wouldn't be surprised if it were none.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want Canadian criminals illegally coming here to escape Canadian authorities, but they are a small minority compared to the Mestizos. The ANP makes securing our borders a top priority.


  1. See the problem is that the Canadians are seeking our higher paying jobs which makes it harder for college graduates to secure themselves a position. Most of the work that one of these "Mestizos" does is menial work that most Americans don't want to do. By all means if you want to go out and work in a field then go ahead but most people will not share that ambition.

  2. That's true enough. But Canadians at least don't run the border as the Mestizos do.
