Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Homeland Security Being Sued

Judicial Watch Sues DHS for Failure to Produce Information Regarding Administrative Amnesty Plan

Judicial Watch has filed two Freedom of Information lawsuits against the Department of Homeland Security regarding memos that surfaced last year detailing ways the Obama Administration could provide a mass amnesty without Congressional action. Judicial Watch requested information last year through the Freedom of Information Act, but the Department has failed to cooperate.

On July 2, 2010, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA requesting “Any and all records of communications between the Department of Homeland Security and any of the following entities, concerning ‘deferred action’ or ‘parole’ to suspend removal proceedings against a particular individual or group of individuals for a specific timeframe; as well as records of communications concerning ‘selective reprieve’ to the segment of the population holding expired visas: The White House; The Executive Office of the President; Any third parties.”

On August 30, 2010, Judicial Watch filed another request asking for all DHS records regarding probation or delayed action granted to illegal aliens. Both of Judicial Watch's requests were acknowledged by the Department of Homeland Security, but the Department has yet to respond to the requests. In both cases, DHS has failed to respond to the requests within the time statutory allotted time frame.

“President Obama may deny he has a plan to suspend deportations but the experience of immigration attorneys in Houston suggests otherwise. That’s why it’s critical that Homeland Security follows the open records FOIA law and turns over these records. The American people need to know if the Obama administration has decided to flout our immigration laws and enact stealth amnesty for illegal aliens who are unlawfully here in the United States. The stonewalling by the ‘transparent’ Obama administration suggests it has something to hide,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.

In July 2010, NumbersUSA was the first organization to report about the memos circulating through the Department of Homeland Security that detailed options available to the Obama Administration for granting a mass amnesty to illegal aliens.


Something to hide? Was there ever an administration that didn't have something to hide?

Seriously, Judicial Watch may be well intentioned, but their methods are don't make any sense. They're suing ZOG. Who's hearing the case? ZOG, that's who. That's like allowing a bank robber to act as judge at the trial of another bank robber. It just doesn't make any sense.

The only way to solve this problem is OUR way. The ANP knows what must be done. DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS. What do we use for manpower? We bring our troops home from all those wars that only serve to advance Israel and the oil companies, then deploy them along the border. Simple, right? You bet. But the problem is that if it's simple, the government will never do it. They seem to thrive on complicating simple things. Besides, they won't do anything that will cost the Judeo-Capitalists one penny.

Comrades, our time has come again. We have a chance that may never come again in our lifetimes. But WE have to make it happen. Let's not blow it. GET OUT THERE AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!

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