Saturday, April 16, 2011

Regarding The April 6 ANP Reort...

For those of you who may not have read Chairman Suhayda's ANP report for April 6, I suggest you do so BEFORE you read this. At least read the first half.

The Chairman was once again comparing the ANP to the "other" organisations out there these days. Fantasy internet clubs, costumed-reenacting clubs, groups that sell trinkets, supposedly for fund raising (I can think of one group where it's done for profit - you know which one I'm referring to), carnival tatooed freaks, career criminals (I can think of several individuals right now), dysfunctionals, and weirdos.

I made the rounds with different organisations myself, starting with the ANP. Then I left. I had to see for myself what it was like out there. I met a few people like myself. Dedicated, sincere, honest, but misguided people. The rest were exactly the type of people the chairman described. However in my case, I did NOT get the "pleasure"of associating with any carnival tattooed freaks. But all the others he described were everywhere ( I don't consider a few tattoos freakish - but when people have their faces covered with Swazis and SS marks - pu-leeze!) Like I said, some of the folks I met were alright, most were not, and a few were damn scarey.

It wasn't until things started to really disintegrate in the group I was in at the time that someone, it may have been Comrade Bowles, who wrote on his blog, asking if I were too proud or just ashamed to admit I was wrong. Well, it was a little of both. That did it. I knew it was time to eat some crow and come home, which I did. Much to my surprise, I was welcomed back like the Prodigal Son.

Comrades, it took me a year and a half, and two other organisations for me to see the truth. I'm asking any of you out there who are not yet Official Supporters to learn from all of this. Don't repeat my mistakes. Become an Official Supporter TODAY (OK, it's Saturday. You can wait til Monday - but no longer!). I'm a retired teacher with a degree from the School Of Hard Knocks. I've been there. I don't want to see any of you do likewise. Learn from me.

I know I've written this before, but it's my favourite quote, and so appropriate for this post: "Those who do not remember the past, are condemned to relive it." - Santyana. He was so right.

1 comment:

  1. How is it helpful and conductive to the white nationalist movement to go to another groups forum speaking like you support them and their message and then come back here to your blog and take cheap shots at them? If you don't like of want to support another organization then just come out and tell them and let well enough alone.
