Friday, September 2, 2011

Mexican-American War II Coming?

Phoenix-based Nuestros Reconquistos claims that there will be a war very similar to the Civil War fought in the next five years. “La Raza and MEChA have already talked to Latinos and Phoenix and explained that Latinos need to arm themselves for war,” says Nuestros Reconquistos President Manuel Longoria.Cecilia Maldonado of Chicanos Unidos Arizona isn’t hoping for any sort of war, but believes it may be unavoidable. “For generations, our people have prepared us to take back the lands of the Southwest that were stolen from our Mexican ancestors. Because of the bad economy and many racist laws, Latinos will be forced to fight sooner than later,” says Mrs. Maldonado.

Latino groups believe they have enough people in states such as California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to successfully wage a war on the United States.  Who’s side will you be on?


As for me, I'll be on the side of my Aryan Folk, not the side of the United States.  However, I seriously doubt that it will come to that.  Most Mexican-Americans have been as brainwashed by the current system as has the average White.  As long as they have a home, and a few electronic toys, and some plastic crap from China, they won't want to rock the boat.  As to the ones on welfare, they won't want to bite the hand that feeds them.  They're smart enough to realize that if they successfully break away from the United States, their government aid goes too, and the new Aztlan government will be in no position to dole out freebies to millions of people.

Funny though how the Reconquistos say we stole the land from them.  They never mentioned how they stole the land from the Spaniards, who stole it from the American Indians.  If they claim a birthright because they are part Indian, I'd like to see them go to one of our Southern California Indian Reservations and tell that to the Indians.  They'd get their butts kicked if they did.  Sure, Mexicans are descended partly from Indians, but not American Indians.  Latinos come from the Aztecs, Mayans, Toltecs, and other Meso American Indian tribes, but certainly NOT from Cherokee, Cheyenne, Ute, Mohawk, Seminole, and other American tribes.

If war is coming, we must be ready.  I hope it doesn't come to that, but we must stand ready to protect what is ours, should the worst happen.

It also makes me wonder what Homeland Security has to say about this.  I haven't heard a peep out of them.  You know that if the ANP, or any other White group started publicly talking about war, and going about person-to-person and telling them to arm themselves, we'd find our butts in the klink for incitement to riot, or even incitement to treason.  But I guess it's politically correct to talk like that as long as you're not White.

And to the DHC I say, if I'm wrong, then let us know what you're doing about the home-grown terrorists.  How about harassing them, rather than law-abiding National Socialists engaging in legal grassroots political activism.

If the worst does happen, then, "GOTT MIT UNS!  SIEG HEIL!"

Dan  88!


  1. You ought to drop the "American" off the Nazi party then if you feel that way. Other than location I see no use for having it there other than perhaps to mislead people.

  2. They'd be shut down in a heartbeat. Besides Obama did not deliver too much on his promises to them and he needed their vote to make it in. When the White House turned brown then we saw the negra's in office shaking their bootie and really shaking it at whitey. You would never see any First Lady before Michelle behaving like that - it's so not classy.

  3. -------------------------------------September 2, 2011 at 10:32 PM

    7:22 PM - America in the ANP refers to the continent, not necessary the United States. And before anyone says, it, yes I know Mexico is considered part of North America. But the ANP is still only for Whites, just like MeChA and La Raza are just for Latinos.

    7:28 PM - I tend to agree. Like I said, if they did revolt and won, the new government would not be in a position to continue their government benefits. Maybe in time they would, but not for quite awhile. I doubt most Latinos would bite the hand that feeds them.

    Dan 88!

  4. Oh well Dan your blog is about the same stuff everyday and nothing much changes here. I get somewhat bored so I think I'll revert back to WWII history where it's much more exciting.

  5. -------------------------------------September 8, 2011 at 11:13 PM


    Dan 88!
